Wednesday 31 August 2011

Teapot Disciplinary Hearing

Seems my angst against all the things that come from the teapot have turned me into a bitter mofo, no longer able to control my feelings I decided that I'd had my fill of RvB. It was fun and I had a blast in my short stint but I wanted to now test my mettle against others not aligned with the RvB program.

I handed in my Red uniform and made a decision to join up with the Black Rebel Rifter Club, a mean bunch of slimy space trucker types who fly Rifters and fight each other with pieces of bar furniture. Other than that they look like really nice guys and I am looking forward to our corporate coffee meetings together.

Frig Stash.

I still have a good stockpile of tech one frigates to burn through in and around Jita, that will remain my home for the time being. I have lots and lots of Rifters and some Merlins and some other odd looking boats. I stopped flying my Rifter in RvB as every FC ALWAYS PRIMARIES THE RIFTER! Let that be a lesson to all new recruits to RvB. Don't fly a Rifter in fleet fights. That's why I purchased lots of Merlins.

I also have some tech one fitted Thrashers too and got some nice kills under the belt this evening.



Then jumped into a Rifter and blipped open the thrusters and destroyed this Kestrel.

Fun times ahead. Watch this space as I review my time with the Black Rebels.


Saturday 30 July 2011

Nighthawk Down

Life is going good so far as a pilot with the Red Federation. Although my quest for the teapot is now on hold while I test out my autocannons and lay waste to the enemy on the battle field. I'm having bags of fun, getting close to 100 kills and I've not even been a member for one whole week yet!

Tonight a call was made for the fleet to go purple and to try and take down a flashy gang in the next door low security system of Jan. Doing what we do best, I think it was a case of mission accomplished.

Battle Report

pewpew red and blue

Nighthawk Down


Monday 25 July 2011

Where it all began ...... and BANG! Here we are now!

Putting on my red velvet-lined uniform on my first day as a Red Federation capsuleer I was overcome with a great sense of my history sweeping over me. I looked around the locker room and wondered if the other pilots donning the Red actually knew what this meant to me. I put on my shades and looked at myself in the steamy mirror, damned I looked good.

My journey would start here, my quest to reclaim the teapot of justice and avenge the burning memory of my Father would start soon, but first I had some Blue to waste and autocannons to sing with. The Rifter, my training vessel during my short stint in the Republic would be my weapon and my heartbeat.

As I sat on one of the benches readying my flight gear, I began to drift back to when it all began and the words of Plave Okice drifted into my mind .......

Postby Plave Okice on Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:07 pm
This is what started it all two years ago.

Premise - Shadowy evil organisation called Purple splinters into two factions, Red and Blue.

Blue are traditionists with old values, want to carry on the shadowy operations controlling the universe with a dark hand, worship the teapot of justice amongst other things.

Red want to just take over, don't care who knows it, don't like the old ways.

Both are dirty, evil bastards, just in their own way.

2 years ago now, I couldn't believe there was no food left in the stores, we'd just come back a weeks pillaging in Syndicate, sure we'd got loads of loot, weapons, ammunition, ship upgrades. No damn food!

I knew Tron Sarkus kept a sneaky stash of munchies in the old crypt so I headed off down there to see what I could scavenge, nosing around I found a foodbox in his office, broke it open, aha! Pot Noodle! Only a Chicken and Mushroom one which is probably the most disgusting but damn I was hungry, I had a laser sidearm with me which would heat the water up just fine, I wandered off out to head back to my cabin and tripped up on my way out, falling over and on top of the Pot Noodle, cracking the plastic pot. Fuck.

So I'm hungry, I have pot noodle with no pot, but wait, I'm in the crypt right? I knew it was here somewhere, Tron and I had argued about it just the night before, stupid "Teapot of Justice", I was sick of the old rituals, dressing up in those Minmatar slave girl costumes and drinking lemon tea while watching Podpilot Idol. To hell with it, I looked around and there it was mounted on a plinth adorned with the Purple Arms and next to the Forbidden Toaster of Desire (wish I had some bread tbh). There was nothing else for it, I grabbed the teapot, filled in the the potless pot noodle, added water, pew pew with the shooty gun and it was hot as hell. Mmmmmm sacrilicious.

Just as I'm scoffing the last few chemically altered wheat noodles in he walks, flanked by General Arkaiser and Commander Thrace. I have to say, while it was clearly a grave moment in New Eden history, the look on his face was great, it was like . He erupted into one of his great rants, I didn't even listen to the words, I knew by the look on the faces of Sarkus and Arkaiser there was no backing down now, we'd gone too far, just as I knew that Thrace would eventually side with us.

I walk straight past them and out, opening my communicator and signalling General Raivi, "the time has come, the revolution begins today, RED DESTINY!"

I remember at the time when the news reports started flashing over our screen back home, the Intergalactic Summit was spewing out some unsettling news and I can remember to this day the worry etched on my Father's face.



Unsettling news from the shadowy world of Purple.

Purple were one of the shadiest organisations in the known universe, seen by many as no more than a myth, their name spoken in only quiet corners, their members (for they are very real) spread out across the universe, engaging in dastardly deeds whilst seemingly normal members of society. Every major corporation and alliance penetrated by their agents, events manipulated by their hand, it was thought, for all eternity.

But now, dark news indeed, news of grievous differences between the upper echelons of Purple, rumours of two factions emerging from the darkness, no longer to remain hidden, a call to arms, intercepted frantic transmissions as pod pilots race to join the impending battle, word spreads further across the universe, pilots withdraw from their seemingly normal routines or send their alternate identities to prepare, prepare for war.

The clock seems to be ticking, those who’ve shown faith in purple in the past now face a difficult time, those who've acted as purple agents face a tough decision, pilots all over the universe must accept the reality, it’s time to choose your side.

That was the last I saw of my Father, he picked up his pack of smokes and told me he'd see me again some day soon, patting me on the head with a smile.


Back to the present in a flash, hostilities are ongoing and Super Space Fighter is about to jump into the action!

The battle rages on ....

Watch this space!